Jackie Brown works out of Cresson Street Tattoo located in Philadelphia PA. She currently works by an appointment only schedule. To acquire information for tattoo requests you can email: jackiebrown.cst@gmail.com
Jackie has a well rounded portfolio featuring anything from pet portraits, cover ups, full color & black and gray. Her porfolio also features nipple portraits for breast cancer survivors, large extra fancy script or something as basic as handwritten fonts or fine line minimalist work.

Jackie Brown has spent her life being interested & involved in many forms of art. From a young age it became a major focal point for her. During her last 2 years of high school Jackie achieved 2 summer scholarships & took different art courses at Kent State & Akron University.
Upon graduation she attended Columbus College of Art & Design with a focus on special effects. Within a year of her education Jackie found her true calling in the art of tattooing & has been doing so since 1996, creating the art she loves.

Pricing is relative. We mostly price things by the piece and by how difficult a tattoo is going to be. Most tattoos have a minimum of $120, but depending on how challenging they are the prices go up. We do have an hourly rate which we only use for full back pieces, full sleeves, full legs. For this kind of coverage we do have an hourly rate of $200 per hour.

Consultations are usually booked for 30 minutes. Appointments require deposits ranging from $100-200 to hold your appointment spot depending on how difficult the tattoo is. Usually if the tattoo will take more than 4 hours to complete expect to have a $100 deposit. This is a non-refundable deposit, but if everything goes as planned and you get the intended tattoo scheduled then the deposit comes off the last sitting. Any questions about this please feel free to ask in your email.

4371 Cresson Street, Philadelphia PA, 19127
Tel: 267-444-0828 call or text
for tattoo requests, email me here: